When does registration open?
- Spring registration opens in October and closes in December for upper divisions and closes in January for lower divisions.
- Fall registration opens in June and closes in August.
Please refer to the league calendar for specific registration dates.
What is the cost to participate?
Please refer to the specific registration page for the season in which you want to participate, which will have a complete listing of fees. Registration fees are assessed by league age, not by division.
Registration costs are subject to change each season to cover rising costs for field rentals, equipment, insurance, umpires, uniforms, and continued investment in our facilities. 100% of the net proceeds are directly invested in the operation and enhancement of our programs.
What age players can participate?
Please refer to our league age chart to determine if your player is eligible.
How do I register?
Registration is held through our online registration portal. To register, click on the registration link available on our homepage and Facebook page during open registration.
What is the refund policy?
We are aware that circumstances may arise that result in a player needing to withdraw their registration for a particular season. Our cancellation policy is as follows:
- Cancellation through close of regular registration: 100% of registration fees less a $25 cancellation charge.
- After regular registration closes: There will be no refund of registration fees. We will certainly review specific cases should an injury result in a player being unable to continue the season.
I live in Irvine or Tustin, should my son or daughter play in Northwood Little League (NWLL)?
Please refer to the Northwood Boundaries Map. If you live within our boundaries or your child attends one of the schools on our school list, you should register with us.
NWLL Schools:
- Elementary schools - Brywood, Canyon View, College Park, Cypress Village, Greentree, Hicks Canyon, Myford, Northwood, Orchard Hills, Portola Springs, Santiago Hills, Stonegate, Woodbury, Beacon Park, Eastwood, Cadence Park
- Middle schools - Jeffrey Trail, Sierra Vista, Orchard Hills, Beacon Park, Cadence Park
- High schools - Irvine, Northwood, Beckman, Portola High, Crean Lutheran
If you live in Irvine but do not fall within our boundaries, refer to Irvine Ranch Little League at www.irvineranchll.org.
What division should my player play?
Please refer to our divisions page for more information on our different divisions and the appropriate ages for each level of play.
Can my player "play down" a division?
Our divisions allow for a range of ages to play at each level. In general, the maximum league age for a particular division is shown in the "Overlapping Ages" column on the divisions page. Players whose league age is greater than that value must play in the next division up. This ensures the safety of all players in the league.
Now that I have registered, what happens next?
Tee Ball, Rookie, and A players: You can expect a call or email from the manager of your child’s team in early to mid-February for the Spring Season, and in September for Fall Ball. Most teams will have a parent meeting and a few practices before Opening Day.
AA through Junior players: All players league age 9 and above, and league age 8 players wanting to play in AA are required to attend the player evaluation day for regular season (Fall Ball will not have evaluations) and will receive information regarding evaluations via email with complete instructions. Following the completion of evaluations in early January, the teams will be balanced and players will receive their team assignment by the third week of January. Practices will start the end of January followed by Opening Day in late February.
Can my player be on the same team as his/her friends?
For lower divisions (Tee Ball/Rookie/A Ball) in Spring and for all divisions in Fall, we permit buddy requests which operate as follows:
- Buddy requests shall be limited to 2 individuals, and pairings must be reciprocal to be honored.
- Daisy chaining of buddy requests will not be permitted or honored.
- Buddy requests between managers and assistant coaches will only be honored once all managers needs for the division are fulfilled. However, once the division managers are fulfilled and as an incentive to managers, we are permitting their 2 buddy requests even if they are not reciprocal (but still subject to daisy chaining and competitive balance considerations).
- For upper divisions in the Fall, we reserve the right to disregard buddy requests for competitive balance reasons. While Fall Ball is a non-competitive with no overall score kept, teams do keep to a 5-run inning limit and we have found that competitive imbalance is still highly detrimental to the Fall Ball experience.
- If anyone needs additional buddy request for logistical reasons (e.g., carpooling) or need an exception to these limitations, please email [email protected] regarding your situation. You will need to provide backup documentation corroborating your need.
For reciprocal buddy requests not subject to conditions 2-4 above, those requests will be honored. We cannot guarantee buddy requests for late registrations because teams will already have been formed. If no buddy requests are made, we will attempt to group your player with players in the same school or general neighborhood.
For upper divisions in the Spring Season, all players must go through evaluations and are drafted to their teams. Buddy requests are not allowed in our competitive divisions in the Spring. Buddy requests are allowed for all divisions during Fall Ball because it is a developmental season, and no score is kept.
Who is required to attend player evaluations?
All players league age 9 and above (AA through Junior divisions) must attend evaluations. If a player does not attend evaluations, he/she will only be able to play in the division he/she played during the previous Spring Season.
Any league age 8 players that would like to be considered to play in AA should contact the league player agent prior to the upper division evaluations.
What is the purpose of player evaluations?
The purpose of the player evaluations is twofold:
- Ensure that each player is playing in a division according to their skill level and,
- Ensure that our teams are balanced in terms of playing ability. The intent of Northwood Little League is to balance all teams in every competitive division so that at the start of the season, everyone has a fair shot at winning their respective division. We do not allow stacking of teams in Northwood Little League.
My child has never played organized baseball. Does he or she need to attend player evaluations?
Player evaluations are mandatory for any player league age 9 or older, and for any player league age 7 or older who wishes to be considered for a competitive division (AA division and above). Managers will adapt their evaluations based on observed player skill and will group similarly skilled players. If you have specific concerns about your child’s safety or skill level as compared to his or her peers, please contact the NWLL Player Agent to discuss your concerns.