Spring season runs February to May 2025
Registration is open to players born between 9/1/2010 and 8/31/2021. Challenger registrations are exempt from the age limit.
Expect a time commitment of 2-4 times per week depending on division.
- Mandatory player evaluations for League Age 9 and above in order for players to be assigned to our Upper Divisions teams (AA, AA and Majors). League age 8 players wanting to play in AA will also be required to attend evaluations.
- Field practices on weekday afternoons or evenings, starting in late January / early February 2025.
- Practice and game schedules are dependent on teams, field availability, and head coaches. No schedule information is available until after teams have formed.
- Games start in March and go until May. The actual number of games will vary by division.
- Ice Cream League will have 1 game a week, likely on Saturdays
- All other divisions will have approximately 1 weekday afternoon game and 1 Saturday game each week
- Upper Division Registrations (League Age 9 through 14: AA to Juniors) will be closed after Sunday, December 31, 2024
- Late Lower Divisions Registrations (League Age 8 and below: Tee Ball to A-Ball) will be closed after Sunday, January 12,2025
- Any registrations after these dates will be added to a wait list
- Withdrawal requests will be refunded the registration fee minus $25 for administrative costs
- NO REFUNDS will be issued after December 31, 2024.
You must live within Northwood Little League boundaries or attend a school within our boundaries - check our boundary map. Proof of residency will be required.
Check our league age chart for your player's league age.
For more frequently asked questions, go to our Parent Portal.